5 Steps: Break Away from Depression

Aug 23, 2024

I see you. Right now, life might feel heavy, like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. I've been there too, and I want you to know there’s a way out. Let’s get into it—here are five powerful steps to help you break free from that low vibe and start feeling more like yourself again.


1. Reverse Engineer Your Looping Thoughts
Ever find yourself stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts? It's not your fault—it's just your inner child crying out for attention. Take a moment to connect with that younger version of you. Acknowledge their feelings, give them a hug, and let them know they're seen and heard. This simple act of validation can work wonders.

2. Alchemize Negative Vibes with Gratitude
Once you've shown yourself some love, it's time to shift those feelings. Grab a pen and paper, and start listing everything you’re grateful for—even the things that haven’t happened yet. Imagine them as if they have, and let that positive energy wash over you.

3. Get Into Nature
Sometimes, the best medicine is right outside your door. Go sit in the grass, let the sun warm your face, or dip your toes in water. As you do, ask yourself: What lesson is this feeling trying to teach me? Embrace the idea that even your struggles have a purpose.

4. Bring Awareness to What You’re Eating
You are what you eat, literally. When you’re feeling down, notice what you crave. Parasitic foods like sugar and processed junk can keep you stuck in a low vibration. Instead, nourish yourself with foods that lift you up and give your body the love it deserves.

5. Move the Energy
Emotions are energy in motion, so get moving! Whether it’s through breathwork, dancing, running, or lifting weights—just move. Shake off that stagnant energy and let your body guide you back to a higher vibe.

If you’re curious to learn more about how frequency and vibration can help you become a mindful creator (instead of letting life just happen to you), REPLY "CREATOR" and I’ll send you my free masterclass. It even includes a breathwork activation to help you shift your energy when you’re feeling low.


You've got this. I’m here with you every step of the way.



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